ambulance information management review

When I started using AIM Software Systems 13 years ago I was truly a “green” EMS biller. It didn’t take me long though to figure out the program and how to make it work to fit our service’s needs. Through the years I have seen many enhancements and updates to AIM. AIM’s support staff has always made it easy to adjust to a change. Never once have I contacted support either by phone or e-mail that they haven’t gotten back with me by the end of the day. How they keep their professional and friendly attitude, though, I’ll never know. The support staff always made and still makes me feel like I’m important to them and no question or problem is too silly. Thanks guys for all you do!

The sales team is also #1 in my book. They have always been able to help me with the contracts, advise me as to what modules would work best for me, and sell them for a reasonable price. I am from a small rural ambulance service, but I recommended this system to a larger service and they absolutely love the program. They had to change programs because the one they had been using was getting too expensive to use – you don’t have to worry about that with the AIM system. To sum it up, no matter how large or small your organization is, AIM Software Systems is what you need! If you want a billing program that is user friendly, has a top-notch support team and is also very affordable, your wish is granted when you join the many satisfied users of AIM.
– Warren County EMS

Aim online software has really been an asset to our ambulance district. Being able to log in to our billing software from anywhere has helped us run our billing department in a more efficient manner and the return of our revenue time has been cut in half.

– Maries Osage Ambulance District

billing systems review

The AIM Billing System and the AIM Software company, in comparison to the larger ambulance billing software companies that I have worked with in the past, is the most user friendly and cost efficient software that I have ever had the pleasure of using! I highly recommend this product for any company large or small, whether your looking to convert from another software or just starting out, this company has you covered right from start to finish and has one of the best customer support departments I’ve ever worked with!
– LifeStar Billing Service

We are very pleased with our move to AIM Online. The ability to remote into the program from any locations is a great benefit. The updates that come overnight also help eliminate down time for our staff. We can work away from the office, which also saves time.

– Eastern Area PreHospital Services Inc.

Our organization has been with AIM since 2001 and we have always had a good working relationship. When we moved to AIM Online, it provided a secure system for us. We don’t have to worry any longer about backing up and losing all data. It also allows more of our staff to be online at the same time, which allows for quicker trip documentation and billing. AIM’s support staff is wonderful and they take care of any issues that come up and solve them. I would recommend this system to agencies looking for a good billing system and have done so in the past.

– Central Pocono Ambulance Association

We are new AIM customers. At first I was a little unsure, but the more I use AIM Software Systems, the more I wouldn’t want to be without it.

– Galax-Grayson EMS

ems software reviews

Working with AIM Software Systems has been a great experience. We are very satisfied with the products, services, and customer support that AIM provides. It is the most user-friendly software I have ever used. We can make changes on the fly and use it to fit our needs. AIM has worked very hard with the state to keep us in compliance. They’ve taken every step they can to make the transition NEMSIS as smooth as possible. The File Attachment has been very beneficial for our business. When the forms are scanned to the computer it puts all of my documents in one place and has cut my billing time. Before I had to go to the file cabinet to find PCS forms, Medical Releases, and other forms to copy for Insurance companies. Now with all these documents in one place I no longer have to go through any files to find them. I have it all at my computer and can print any of these forms along with a trip report to send to Insurance companies. The File Attachment Module was well worth the money. I highly recommend this module.
– Wadley EMS Inc.

We made the switch to AIM Online prior to the 2013 year-end, and all has worked out better than expected; wish we could have done it sooner… no more worries about hardware issues, back up issues, getting reports at a moment’s notice, etc. Everything is at our fingertips as long as we have a computer with an Internet connection. Since the City depends on the Ambulance revenue, it gave us peace of mind to know that if our biller needs time off or decides to retire, we won’t be in panic mode since AIM Billing Services can jump in at a moment’s notice so there won’t be a stop in cash flow. So the City is dotting its I’s and crossing its T’s for the government – Thanks to AIM ONLINE.

– City of Bradford

As a rural ambulance service when our service went to a stand- alone facility we had many obstacles to conquer, the biggest of these was our billing. We started out with a very helpful and economical program, but as our service grew so did our needs in the realm of billing. We had talked with other services and had a couple of more advanced billing systems recommended to us. After talking with other services and doing our own research we went with AIM ePCR & Billing. We have not been sorry and I can tell you on a personal level it has cut my billing time by at least 60%. In the past I would have to handle a report at least 7 times before it was ready to go to file. With our AIM Software Systems, the reports are handled only three times – when the medics do them, when they come to billing and when they are reviewed by quality control. What a time saver! We have the ePCR, Billing and Subscription modules and have been pleased with everything that they do. As with any new system we have had and will continue to have our share of ””stupid”” questions and mistakes, but the support staff of AIM have been nothing but helpful and pleasant. From getting us out of our own messes to helping us to understand a difficult posting procedure, the support people have been nothing short of extraordinary. Johnston County EMS would recommend AIM to any ambulance provider whether you make 20,000 runs annually or 200.

– Johnston County EMS

I would like to take this opportunity to thank AIM Software Systems. I have had the AIM System for more than 15 years. The software has provided our company with all the capabilities to keep our wheels moving. The software is great and the Support is outstanding! I have never had a problem that the support department has not been able to fix quickly! Thanks for all you do in keeping Stone Ambulance a prominent and thriving service in Southside Virginia.

– Stone Ambulance Service

aim testimonials

I want to say ‘Thank You’, to AIM, for including the ICD-9 to ICD 10 crosswalk in their latest release. What a wonderful help it has been to our billing office! I have been working with AIM for 20 years and you always try to think of ways to help out the billing side. All I can say is that I would not go anywhere else for my EMS billing program. I have never had a billing software problem that AIM could not fix. Such a wonderful company, I’m so happy that we went with them 20 years ago.
– County Ambulance

I am challenged daily with solving payor related issues. Most of the time I can resolve these issues myself, but when I’ve met my match, I know I can always count on AIM”s wonderful Support staff and their market knowledge to save the day. Their support and dedication to the customer is always 100%- always with the attitude that they will go 10 extra miles for me. I can always count on them to help me with any issue I throw their way.

– Clovis Fire Department

A very sincere thank you for the file migration on July 7th. The IT consultant that worked with me to upgrade my office was very impressed with the ease in reaching AIM Support and with AIM”s actual participation in the process. He works with many companies and told me that I’m fortunate to have such an attentive support team – but I always knew this!

– Revenue Solutions

I just had to email you and thank you for sending info on this. I absolutely love the AIM Medicare Reconciliation program!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe just how much time this actually has saved me. I just fly through processing the Medicare payments and rebilling when needed. Thank you so much!

– Mid-Ohio Ambulance Service

The AIM Privacy Tracking Module is very useful. Not only is it used to track HIPAA, but it has helped our office with other aspects as well. Instead of having to go back and read many different notes in the narrative field that our billing clerks enter, we have been able to designate tabs for our own use. Such as, signature/HIPAA form tracking, Attorney representation letters, record requests, patient inquiries, bankruptcies, expedited fee negotiation requests, etc. I have found that by setting the tabs up for different purposes, saves our office time when looking for corresponding information to the calls. I would highly recommend this module; it’s well worth it!

– Colleton Software Associates

I have just finished reading the AIM Newsletter. Just when I thought you guys did it all, you out do yourselves. Thank you for a most informative newsletter. Keep up the good work.

– NHT Rescue 8

We like the AIM Batch Posting feature in Billing as it has reduced our bill posting time in half. The cost of the Batch Posting feature has already paid for itself, due to the reduction time of bill posting.

– Economy Ambulance

In the beginning of 2009 we brought our billing in-house, with much anticipation and nervousness. Would we be successful? How long before we would start receiving income? To our pleasure it has been a huge success. The success is thanks to AIM Software and the knowledgeable AIM trainers. Their knowledge of the software and of ambulance billing is top notch. Without a doubt we chose the right software. A special thanks to AIM”s trainers, we could not have done it without you.

– Friendship Hook & Ladder

I wanted to express how easy AIM Software has made the transition to ICD 10. The billing staff loves the ICD-9 to ICD-10 cross walk, as well as the validation feature – which doesn’t permit them to save the claim if they accidentally use an ICD-9 code in an ICD-10 claim. Thank you for being proactive with your software programming and building these features into the AIM EMS Software product!

– Guardian Angel Ambulance Service

We have been using AIM for over 24 years. We started as a small company, have weathered the tough times, still going strong, and growing. AIM and their support department have been with us all along…always timely, knowledgeable, and friendly. We recently transitioned to AIM Online and the AIM staff really knew what they were doing. They made the transition easy and quick. The fact that AIM Online was used by AIM’s own internal billing service before it was released gave me the confidence of knowing I would be getting a reliable and efficient Online EMS Billing software.

– North West Ambulance

“Your company is fantastic to quickly resolve issues and answer questions with a step-by-step approach. For example, Jim remoted in and gave me additional instructions for secondary claims billing.  Your prompt response for customers to understand the information makes the program more enjoyable to work with.   From past experiences I had to leave a message only to wait numerous days before a resolution was given, thus, pending the claim for payment.  With AIM I never feel the problem is insignificant requiring waiting time and happy with the results.”

– 10/33 Ambulance Service

It’s been a pleasure for 3 ½ months to know that our transports are being billed correctly and see the income from our transports come in regularly.  

A patient came into our office just a few minutes ago to bring her new insurance card for a recent transport.  She was apologizing profusely for causing us more work by not giving us the correct insurance information at the time of the transport.

When I logged into AIM, I saw that you folks had already obtained her correct health insurance.

After 18 months of dealing with problems with our old billing company, I am so thankful to be working with such a great organization and great people.  Kudos – I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

– Ross/West View EMSA