Washington Post Article: Why Hackers Are Going After Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers have a ton of personal information that could be use for traditional financial fraud—things like your name, social security number, and payment information. But they also have health insurance information, which can be sold for even more on online black markets because it can be used to commit medical fraud—things like obtaining free medical care or purchasing expensive medical equipment -- that often isn't caught quite as quickly as credit card or bank account fraud.

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Topics: EMS News

Industry Update: CAAS Releases Ground Vehicle Standard for Ambulances

The Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) has announced the publication of its long awaited Ground Vehicle Standard for Ambulances, CAAS GVS v.1.0.

Topics: EMS News

EMS Financial Services Article: Tension Between Field Crews & Billing

A recent blog posted by EMS Financial Services shares some process improvement suggestions on how to get crews and billers on the same side, driven by one common pupose that is centered around patient care.

Although, at times, it can feel as though your field crew and billing department are on opposing teams, the reality is, one cannot thrive without the other. Both are critically important to your operations, but when they are constantly taking jabs at one another, nobody wins... not your crews, not your billers, and certainly not your patients.

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Topics: EMS News

EMS Financial Services Article: The Top Ambulance Software and Billing Companies

Industry authority and consultant Maggie Adams, of EMS Financial Services, talks about how to select the best ambulance software and billing companies in the EMS field. (Hint: AIM is one of those mentioned!) So click below to read the advice that Maggie provides to those EMS agencies looking for EMS software and billing services.

Topics: EMS News

NAAC Article: Would a HIPAA Violation Affect Your EMS Agency?

Don't make a costly mistake—learn the HIPAA rules and stick to them! A recent edition of the NAAC Newsletter highlights this critical topic and advises EMS agencies on how best to stay within the letter of the law.

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Topics: EMS News

JEMS Article: Six Tips for Writing High-Quality Patient Care Reports

As an ePCR Software vendor and EMS Billing Service, we at AIM see firsthand the struggles EMS providers have with obtaining a complete and accurate picture of patient care. In a new article, just posted on JEMS.com, Pro Bono: Six Tips for Writing High-Quality Patient Care Reports, the attorneys at Page, Wolfberg & Wirth discuss best practices for documenting patient care.

This article does a good job of explaining why quality documentation is so important, and what is needed in order to meet payer consideration.

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Topics: EMS News

EMS Financial Services Article: Curing the World of EMS Billing Hurt

Maggie Adams, President of EMS Financial Services, talks about issues facing billing services and the role that workflow process plays in these issues.

Topics: EMS News

EMS1 Article: Improve Reimbursement & Compliance Issues

In a new article, just posted on EMS1, the author takes a look at the implications presented by the recent Office of the Inspector General report on "Inappropriate Payments and Questionable Billing for Medicare Part B Ambulance Transports."

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Topics: EMS News

Industry Guide: Frustrated with Medicare Secondary Payer Claim Rejects? Follow Thic Checklist by Novitas.

Novitas recently published a link to a helpful checklist which could help your EMS billers avoid costly rejections due to MSP (Medicare Secondary Payer). The important thing to always remember with MSP claims is that they MUST always balance.

Topics: EMS News

EMS Financial Services Article: EMS, Mechanisms of Injury & ICD-10

EMS Financial Services wrote a blog post on the impact of ICD-10, not only to billing, but also to the local community and globally.

By reporting on incidents in greater detail, providers will be contributing to the overall improvement of public health and safety.

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Topics: EMS News